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What makes a good video? How can we use a smartphone or handy cam and capture great looking video thats looks like TV broadcast?

OK, we might not have the same resolution as a Sony HXC camera but we can make a web video look very similar!

Lots of people now want to use video in order to train, blog, tell a story, add web content or document something exciting but whats the key to great looking video?

The answer is not simple! Rule of thirds, audio pickups, content, colour, style, editing, music and confidence can all contribute to a good quality video.

This month the Angelfish team will work with a number of young leaders and in partnership with Rupert Kirkman, one of Somerset’s leading media consultants, to offer a two day media training.

By the end of the week we hope that these young adults with have a range of skills so they can document their lives over the next year.

For more information on Media training and vidoe production skills email us at







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