Arts & Crafts

  • Picture of flowers on fabric

    Milly Blunt - Eco print design

    Join us at Connect for Eco printing, the art of using flowers and leaves to make colourful patterned fabrics.

  • Picture of hat

    Vashti - upcylcing

    With over 20 years experience upcycling fashion and making hats, Vashti will be helping to bring out your inner mad bring an old hat to give a new lease of life to!

    Some materials provided, but bring your bags of random craft materials to play with if possible.

  • Portrait picture of Solomon

    Soloman – Circus and 5 metre aerial

    Soloman trained with Circo Media. He offers aerial silks and straps lessons, juggling workshops and fun circus games.

  • Ruth and Emily - EcoWild

    Ruth and Emily - EcoWild

    EcoWild is a Community Interest Company and therefore not-for-profit. We aim to enhance people’s relationship with their environment, creating inspiring opportunities for engaging with the natural world. In this way the seeds are sown for a long term fascination in the complexity and beauty of nature and a sense of stewardship towards the environment.

    EcoWild website

  • Picture of Brian hughes

    Bryan Hughes - Charcoal making

    Charcoal workshops - creating biochar.

    To connect with Bryan on Facebook click here.

  • Nigel - in geo dome

    Nigel Dawes - Designer / Maker

    Nigel is a designer / maker who creates environments with geodesic structures, folded polyhedric shapes and assembles sculpture from found plastics and slotting together.

    Instagram: @nigeldawesart